We have results and now have to figure out distribution…
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Everyone has waited long enough. Some of the initial reactions were not favorable, so that has slowed momentum somewhat. But in the end, progress needs to be shown. Besides the main point is that the interface can be updated and changed darn near on the fly. Let’s take a more in-depth look.
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We here at the Natural Biometrician are working in cooperation with other contractors in the field of forestry to bring you a complete and all-inclusive FREE new look to your database. This will include UI improvements and usability improvements. More will be released soon.
As with all good things, there is a need for funding. However, this post isn’t meant as the “woe is me” statement that some organizations post or repeatedly spout. Yes, funding is hard. Yes, asking for funding is hard. Yes, the limited donations thus far cannot lead this to be sustainable. This must all change. Therefore we here at the Natural Biometrician will be focusing more on finding funding short term to build an endowment to fund all future development and support. The current plans are as follows…
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The Natural Biometrician migrated to a new hosting account a while back. Seems that the transition went splendidly except for email. All email accounts have been reconfigured and should be operational now. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.